About Me

Hello, friend! My name is Mandy and I’m so glad you’re here.

I’m a wife, mama, and friend who loves delighting in the greatness of God and encouraging others to do the same.

This is my crew. They drive me crazy (in the best way), and I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. I married my best friend who gets me completely and will join in when I burst into song. My kiddos keep me young and make me so proud. It is an absolute joy to be their mama.

I came to know the Lord in my 20’s, but didn’t fully surrender until I entered my 30’s (still surrendering every second of every day). My past had a way of keeping me stuck and rather than dealing with the hurt and heartache, I chose to run and rebel.

Exhausted from my futile attempts of escape and living in some hard consequences, I found myself on my knees asking for God’s help to heal my brokenness and change my heart.

Jesus became not only my savior, but also my friend. The kind of friend who knows real hurt because He’s been there and gets it. The kind of friend who doesn’t desert you when you’re at your worst. The kind of friend who lifts you up, forgives, shows compassion, always listens, always loves.

Over the years, I’ve experienced joy, hope, and freedom that comes only from having a relationship with Jesus. His unconditional love and amazing grace has transformed my life. Past hurt and heartache have been redeemed and I’m now able to share hope and healing.

In this new life, I’ve had some amazing opportunities: being a volunteer writer at my church, contributing a guest post on the fabulous Five Minute Friday website, and speaking at several events.

I could never imagine my life turning out this way, but that’s just what God does. He makes beauty from our ashes. He turns our mourning into dancing. Jesus changes everything.

My heart is to equip and encourage others so they too can experience all that God has for them. Here, you will be championed and challenged. Here you will find grace and love. I’m so glad you are here.

With lots of love,